Board Job Descriptions and Duties
President – The president will preside over business meetings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Board, provide oversight for the TAMIO Annual Conference, as proscribed in Article VIII of the Constitution, and represent TAMIO on the CPC (Certified Public Communicator) Board. The President will decide on when the board meets but two per year will be in person – the conference planning meeting usually in January and at the beginning of the TAMIO Annual Conference.
President Elect – The president elect will preside over business meetings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Board in the absence of the president and will assist the TML affiliate association manager with the recruitment of sponsors for the TAMIO Annual Conference and other TAMIO programming. The president elect will deliver the financial report to the Board and membership and will take minutes of all Board Meetings.
Vice President for Awards – The vice president for awards will oversee the TAMI Awards Committee and manage the TAMI Awards program to include the award submission/judging platform. The vice president for awards will serve as the liaison between TAMIO and partner agencies for the award judging process.
Vice President for Communications – The vice president for communications will direct website content with TML Association Affiliate Manager and will manage the TAMIO blog and schedule, the e-newsletter and schedule, and the TAMIO Teammates program.
Vice President for Development and Education – The vice president for development and education will oversee the TAMIO education committee and will direct the program development for the TAMIO Annual Conference and manage webinar content and schedule.
Immediate Past President – The immediate past president will coordinate and provide guidance to Regional Directors.
2nd Past President – The 2nd past president will coordinate TAMIO elections.
Director to the TML Board of Directors (3rd Past President) – The director for the TML Board of Directors will represent the Association at all meetings of the Texas Municipal League Board of Directors, and will report to the President on any TML actions that might impact the Association. In the event that the Director is unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the TML Board of Directors, the President may appoint another TAMIO officer to represent the Association at that specific meeting.
Regional Directors – The regional directors will be responsible for communicating Association news with the members in their region through newsletters, Zoom meetings, lunch meetings, or any other vehicle for giving members an avenue to connect with communicators in their area.