2025 Conference
TAMI Awards 101
The Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) was developed as a result of the increasingly complex role of public information in municipal government. When organized in 1974, only a handful of Texas cities employed professional communications staffs. Today, TAMIO has a growing number of public information / public relation specialists serving small communities as well as urban centers throughout the state.
TAMIO actively seeks to:
- Advance and promote the active cooperation and exchange of information and ideas among Texas cities;
- Provide professional development for public information and communications managers who work in municipal government or similar agencies;
- Provide relations assistance where possible to municipalities and the Texas Municipal League (TML); and
- Promote recognition outside the organization for achievement in communication with citizens.
TAMIO is an affiliate of the Texas Municipal League, which was organized in 1913 and currently represents some 98% of Texas’ urban population through its more than 1,150 member cities. Guided by its purpose statement—Empowering Texas cities to serve their citizens—the League helps city leaders meet the ever-changing challenges of governance.
As partners, TML and TAMIO offer the best in representation and assistance to cities and their respective colleagues.